This study aims to explore the impact of Facebook on consumersâ?? decision process in the hotel\nselection. The research population is customers who use social media; as a sample of 610 was\nchosen randomly from Jordanian customers in the hotel industry. The study used quantitative\nmethodology to examine the research questions, and we analyzed quantitatively using\nstructural equation modeling-partial least squares (SEM-PLS) method. This study reveals the\nimportance of social media platform and its influence on customersâ?? decision process in the\nhotel selection. The finding revealed that consumers have been exposed to digital information\nthrough Facebook; this information has influenced consumersâ?? decision. The study found that\nFacebook has the greatest influence on customersâ?? decision process. In addition, the finding\nrevealed that the way customers search and book hotel have changed. The results represent\nnovel findings that hold important implications and recommendations for future social media\nmarketing research and practice.